Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele

Who do you want to be in 2021? Laying the groundwork for an intentional year.

December 16, 2020 Jaclyn Steele Season 1 Episode 52
Self-Worth with Jaclyn Steele
Who do you want to be in 2021? Laying the groundwork for an intentional year.
Show Notes Transcript

Who do you want to be at the end of 2021? Join me as I deep dive into remarkable goal setting... overcoming overwhelm... believing in yourself... and listening to your heart, mind, and body to create SUSTAINABLE practices that support you all year. Grab a journal, a candle, and your favorite drink and let's get INTENTIONAL about the people we want to become over the next 12 months. 

This path isn't just about end results. It's about BECOMING - the learning process required for our ultimate expansion into bigger, better, more aligned, more self aware versions of ourselves. <3

Questions for Journaling:

  • What is one remarkable goal you have for yourself?  
  • Now I want to dive into the makeup of the person who is going to achieve this remarkable goal/your remarkable goal... What does this person look like?  
  • How do they dress?  
  • What kind of style do they have?  
  • How do they present themselves to the world?
  • What does this person eat?  
  • How do they feel after they eat?  
  • What kind of energy do they have after a meal?
  • What types of activities does this person engage in?  
  • Is this person more active or does this person crave more stillness?
  • What kind of mindset does this person have?  
  • How does this person speak to herself/himself?  
  • How is the different from how this person speaks to herself/himself currently?  
  • What kind of self worth does this person possess?  
  • What is this person's degree of self belief?   
  • How do you cultivate self worth and self belief?  
  • What healthy rituals do you regularly do?  
  • What kind of books are you reading?  What kind of people are you spending time with?  
  • What kind of relationships are you cultivating?
  • What does a typical day look like for this person?  
  • What time do you wake up?  
  • What time do you go to bed?  
  • Do you workout in the morning or the evening or the afternoon?  
  • How often do you work out?  
  • What time does your work day start?  
  • What time does your work day end?  
  • How do you create a sacred transition space between work and home so you can be present?  
  • How does this day layout differ from the one you currently have and what kind of changes would you need to make to adjust?
  • What kind of vibes does this person have?  
  • What are a couple words you have for the year?  

HAPPY HOLIDAYS and thank you SO MUCH for listening this season.  You are glorious.

(Season 2 of Self Discovery with Jaclyn Steele will begin on Wednesday, January 13th of 2021).

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Hello, beautiful people. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome to Episode 52. This is the last episode of season one. I remember, a year ago, when I set out to do this podcast, I said that I was going to create episodes for six months and see how it went. And now, I am here almost a year later, with 52 episodes under my belt, and I just want to give you a warm, gooey, gooey hug through the airwaves. Thank you for listening and being a part of this podcast, you are the reason that I have stuck with this. And you are the reason that I'm going to continue to create content. It's you, you, you. So thank you. I want to talk to you today about who you want to be in 2021. This episode is all about laying the groundwork for an intentional year. And these are all questions and practices that I have done myself in my own life as I prepare for 2021. So I am walking through this process right along with you, I'm going to be giving some real life examples of things that I'm working on things that I'm working toward. And hopefully, this will help give you an umbrella picture of what you want the next year to look like. Before I dive into the contents of the episode. I want to say this is the last episode of season one. And Season Two of self discovery will begin Wednesday, January 13. So I'll have about a month break. So again, January 13. The episode will continue or the episodes will continue. I'm going to stick with once a week for now. But we'll see what happens. I've got a lot of exciting plans for season two. I've already pre recorded some episodes, some super cool, thoughtful conscious guests coming on the podcast giveaways. I'm going to restructure things a little bit. But the essence of season two is going to be exactly the same as the essence of season one, which is to help us to go deeper, help us get out of the matrix that we so often find ourselves in in this modern world, and to elevate and heal our self worth. So we can go out and be that biggest, most badass version of ourselves. Okay, business talk is done. I want to dive in to who you want to be in 2021. And who I want to be in 2021. I'm not much of a new year's resolution kind of gal in the traditional sense, but I am someone who likes to start a new season with intention. And so if intentional living is something that you value, this episode is for you. I feel like when I lack intention, then I lack direction. And if that's the case, then I feel like my life is living me instead of me living my life. And after the chaos of 2020 I think now is the time mid December to be getting into the headspace of who we want to be at the end of 2021. I want you to if you can you know if you're in your car, I understand if you're out and about doing things I get it. But if you can if it's possible, while you listen to this episode, set the tone for your environment. Light a candle. Let it be peaceful. Have a journal at the ready. Maybe do this in solitude so you can think straight. This episode is broken up into three parts. The first part is a series of questions and these questions are to help us decide who we want to be at the end of 2021. The second part is about overcoming overwhelm because it can be so easy to start A year and be so excited and get into your routine. And then as time goes on, things just kind of fall away, and then we beat ourselves up. So, yes, we definitely need to address that. And then part three, is about listening to your needs. And that's all about sustainability. We want to create sustainable practices so that we can do them day in and day out. So that we can, so we begin, so that we can continue to become the best, most full, most glorious version of ourselves. And all of these parts parts one, two, and three, are designed to help you fall in love with the art of becoming, becoming more and more and more of who you are expanded, and lightened, emboldened, inspired, all of the things becoming more and more and more you. And I think so often, I want to caveat this, we want to jump from who we are now to where we want to be. But the art of becoming is essential. That's how we learn how we pivot. It's how we grow. And so if I can give you any piece of advice, it's to lean into the process, lean into the discomfort, lean into the highs, lean into the lows, all of it, it's all part of the beauty of becoming you part one, these are the questions that will help us decide who we want to be by the end of 2021. So please, grab a journal, write some of this stuff out, pause this podcast as you need to, you are worth taking this time, and this effort to decide who you want to be. Now, the series of questions that I'm about to ask you, I'm also going to add them in the show notes. So if you need to reference back, if you're in your car, you're on a walk, or you're in a place where you can't write this stuff out, you will be able to look at the show notes and see all of these questions. Alright. The reason I asked questions, and the reason I think it's so important for us to answer these questions is because we need a baseline, we need to know where we are right now, in order to compare that at the end of next year, to who we want to be. And we need a baseline because life gets hectic and we need something to be able to return to to get grounded again. The first question that I have for you is, what is one remarkable goal that you have for yourself. This is something that feels a bit out of reach that requires you to up level to achieve it. It's not so big that your brain somersaults its way out of your head. But it's also not so small that you could accomplish it by January 31. Does that make sense? So for me, for instance, my extraordinary goal is to reach 100,000 podcast listens by the end of 2021. And to have a consistent monthly income of a certain amount. This goal makes me uncomfortable. But I don't feel like it's so crazy that it's not able to be accomplished. All right. The next thing I want to talk about when it comes to this remarkable goal is to talk about the kind of person who is going to achieve this remarkable goal. What does this person look like? How do they dress? What kind of style do they have? How do they present themselves to the world and I want to give you some real life examples for me. I am a person who's been working from home for the last five, seven years. And I end up a lot of the time working in yoga pants sometimes doing my makeup sometimes not sometimes doing my hair sometimes not. And that's not a bad thing. But as I'm up leveling, when I sit down to my desk, and I have real pants on and a cool shirt and maybe some fun or funky jewelry and my makeup done. I bring an energy to the desk that is totally different than when I'm in yoga pants and no makeup. I want to be By the end of 2021, somebody who has a very extensive handle on my business, I want to feel confident, I want to feel like I've taken my power back, I want my self worth to be leading every decision that I make. And part of self worth is in how you feel. And in how you look, you want to look and feel your best. I want to look and feel my best. And so part of who I want to become in 2021 is somebody who gets ready every day, next series of questions. This person that you want to be at the end of 2021. What does this person eat? How do they feel after they eat it? What kind of energy Do they have after a meal? I bring these questions up, not because I want people to make resolutions about losing weight. This has every thing to do with energy and sustainability. When we eat foods that our body recognizes, and what I mean by that is clean food, water, super foods, stuff that our body can digest fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, lean proteins, stuff that your body takes in and can immediately make into fuel. Because it's good stuff. It makes a difference and how you feel during the day. We aren't necessarily then reaching for a bunch of coffee or sugar to get us through the day because the fuel that we are consuming gives us sustained energy. So for me, this person in 2021, wants to eat beautifully. And to eat foods that are alive foods that are going to nourish and heal and sustain my body. That's microgreens that's zekiel bread from the food of life. That is a bunch of fresh organic vegetables, fresh organic fruits. superfoods comm booja stuff that when I look at it, when I prepare it, I can just tell it is going to nourish every cell of my body. Now, does that mean I'm never going to indulge? Absolutely not. But on a day to day basis, when I am working toward my goal of getting this podcast out of expanding my business of trying to make this income that I'm going for, I have to be ready to go. And a huge part of that is nutrition. All right, next series of questions. What types of activities does this person engage in? Is this person that you want to be in 2020 more active? Or is this person craving more stillness? Ah, life is it ebbs and flows. And sometimes we need more activity, because we need to get out of a rut. And sometimes we need more stillness. So think about that, and tune in to what your body is craving. Right now. What kind of mindset does this person have? I find that this is probably the most important question, because our mindfulness or lack there of really determines so much of our lives. So what kind of mindset does this person at the end of 2020 have? How do you speak to yourself? How am I speaking to myself? Are you hard driving and cruel? or Are you loving and compassionate? What kind of self worth does this person possess? What is your degree of self belief? Because self belief is one of the key factors in positive change. It's literally about drawing a line in the sand and allowing you y o u to determine who you are and who you want to be and refusing to let any outside feedback, thwart the direction you want to go in. How do you cultivate self worth and self belief? For me? It is setting bite size goals. And accomplishing them, seeing that I'm accomplishing them. And then when I strive for bigger goals or things that feel further out of reach, I have a reference point to say, hey, I've already done a, b, and c. And so chances are, I'm capable of doing this next thing. It's brick by brick, step by step, self worth, and self confidence and self beliefs don't happen overnight. But they do happen as you build daily, what healthy rituals Do you do regularly? What kind of books are you reading? What kind of people are you spending time with? What kind of relationships? Are you cultivating? For me rituals. I want to wake up every day, and meditate, and journal, and do 30 minutes of exercise. It sets the tone for my day, and it makes me feel amazing. What kind of books Am I reading? I'm reading books that sparked my curiosity, whether it's a business book or a money management book, or what would be deemed a frivolous novel, I am reading what feeds my soul? What kind of people are you spending time with? This is, I think one of the most challenging things, because we are who we hang out with. And for me, I want to be hanging out with people that are striving for big things in their life, and taking action on those things. I want to be around people who are super smart, that challenged me and encouraged me. I want to be around people who are cultured and authentic, and have big mindsets. People who are loving people who are respectful. Ah, those are the kinds of relationships that I want to be cultivating. Now a little bit of the nitty gritty. What does a typical day look like for this person? What time do you wake up? What time do you go to bed? Do you work out in the morning or the evening or the afternoon? How often do you work out? What time does your workday start? What time does your work day? And how do you create a sacred transition space between work and home so that you can be present and nourish your own needs? How does this day layout differ from the one you currently have? And what kind of changes would you need to make to adjust? For me, I like to get a head start on the day. So I like to wake up at 530 I like to go to bed around 10pm I like to work out four to five times a week for at least 30 minutes each time. And I like to work out in the morning because I like to get it out of the way. I ideally would like my work day

to start between nine and 9:

30am which even though I wake up at


30am I have a tendency to get distracted by checking emails and checking Instagram and doing other things. So I want to sit down at my desk between nine and 930 put on airplane mode and get to work. And then how I create a sacred transition space between work and home. And this is something that I really want to work on doing more consistently. It's just sitting outside watching the sunset. Instead of a glass of wine. I've been pouring myself some kombucha and like a wine glass so it feels like an indulgence. And I set my kombucha and I watched the sunset. And I just breathe and sometimes I'll take one of my dogs with me and just plop them on my lap. And there's something so sacred about giving myself a few moments between work Jacqueline, and home Jacqueline, even though I work from home, so that my brain can be present and in that space, whatever space it is that I'm in what kind of vibes does this person that you want to be at the end of 2021 half? Are you peaceful? Are you bubbly? What kind of energy are you emanating throughout the day? You know like attracts like and what you want more of begin to put out what you want less of stop doing for me. I want and the Nate self worth this next year because of my hockey modos part of the root of hashimotos is unexpressed emotion. And so part of my healing and my healing path for me. And the vibes that I want to put out are vibes of self worth. Healthy, loving boundaries. So pretty creativity because I love to be creative, creative. And that's part of the self expression. And also straight up honesty, I have a tendency to curb my truth and soften those blows because I never want to make people uncomfortable. I like to be liked. But this next year for me, is about becoming the next version of myself and expanding into that more enlightened, more powerful, more capable human. And so that's going to require some different vibes. vibes that Oh, look like self worth, and honesty. Next thing, what are a couple of words that you have for the year. These are words that make you feel excited inside that feel aligned with who you are becoming and who you want to be. These are words that when said aloud, feel good to your soul, like your soul recognizes them, something just lights up. My words, for the year of 2021 are consistency and self love. I have a tendency with my creative brain to be very inconsistent. And I really, really want to work on being consistent because who I want to be at the end of 2021 requires consistency. And then self love. Oh, self love. Again, going back to hashimotos and the unexpressed emotion, I have a tendency to be extremely hard on myself. And even though I feel like I'm a good communicator, I've intellectualized emotions, for most of my life, and intellectualizing emotions and feeling emotions are two very different things. And so self love for me means more expression. And it means feeling my feelings. However they are the good, the bad, the awesome, the ugly. The in between. Here are a few words that could get your wheels turning, okay? So maybe your word is flow, or grace, or ease. Maybe it's lit up. abundant, sexy. That's one of my words to peace filled, healthy. Purpose purposeful, intentional, adventurous, creative. Maybe you want to be less competitive. So less comparison. Spirit filled, fulfilled. joyous, ambitious, renewed. Fresh, enough. courageous, brave, vulnerable. Maybe you want more laughter in your life. So laughing enthusiam, enthusiastic, powerful, unlimited, strong, open, inspired, grateful, present, confident, whatever your word or words are, write them down and put them in a place where you can see them on the daily. We are now moving into part two of this podcast. Ah, I hope that you are feeling the love that I am sending you in this moment. I'm feeling so relaxed. The rain is trickling on my RV outside. I'm in Sedona, Arizona, which is such a spiritually grounding place. And what I'm sharing with you is stuff that I really believe in that I'm working on myself. So section two, overcoming overwhelm and believing in yourself, my friends. Please listen to this next sentence. You get to decide who you want to be. Louise Hay wrote, every thought we think is creating our future. That means you have the power to change or to stay stuck. The choice is yours. I have a friend Who I absolutely adore. Her name is Laura. And we were chatting recently and she said something to me that I'll never forget. She said, Jacqueline, I've decided that I'm the kind of woman who works out five days a week. And when she sent us it was like something clicked in my brain. Because it's such an empowering statement. She said, I've decided, I'm the kind of woman who works out five days a week, you can decide that you are the kind of man or woman who does ABCD, whatever. And then you can go do that. Let's stop looking in the past, or beating ourselves up for not measuring up and start focusing on what we are deciding to do next. I already told this story on this podcast. But I was listening to the Joe Rogan podcast and he was interviewing Matthew McConaughey about his role in the Dallas Buyers Club. And Joe Rogan was like, man, Matthew, you had to lose so much weight for this movie. And it was such an incredible movie, and your commitment was amazing. But what was that process like? Was that just one of the hardest things you've ever done? I can imagine it would just be grueling. And Matthew McConaughey without skipping a beat was like, No, man, it was easy. Once I decided to take the role. He decided to do it. And then he just did the work, and he shut up about it. We can decide and then act, I'm going to say that one more time, we can decide, and then act. It really can be that simple. If we get out of our own way. Now, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed. Because who you are now compared to where you want to be, or who you want to be. may seem impossible. And I get that I've been there. I'm still there sometimes. But it's not impossible. Do you know how people climb Mount Everest one step at a time. Tony Robbins said, We overestimate what we can do in a year. And underestimate what we can do in a decade. Becoming the biggest, most badass version of yourself is a process. And that's a beautiful thing. I want you to fall so in love with the art of becoming who you are. And every step that you are taking is preparing you for the next one. So if at this point, you are feeling self doubt, or you are wondering if you can actually achieve your remarkable goal. I want you to think about someone who is somewhat like you. This is a process that could be called modeling. Maybe they are your age, maybe they are someone in your hometown. But this is a person who has done something remarkable. But the key is they aren't that different from you. For me, right now I'm thinking about Lauren Everts Bostic, she has this amazing podcast called the skinny confidential where she shows up completely as herself. And she creates content that is cheeky and fun. And she started businesses that are so integrated, and authentic and aligned with her real life that her following eats up her offerings. And that's because they're genuine. She may have started before me. But she started with a laptop and an idea to she just built her dream, one brick at a time. Another person for me, that I really look up to is Annie lawless, she started lawless beauty. So find your Lauren, find your Annie, who is someone that isn't that different from you, that is living the life or doing the thing that you want to do. How did they do it? What are they offering? How are they showing up in the world? If they can do it, so can you my friend, one step at a time, one brick at a time, one day at a time. That's why one of my words for 2021 is consistency, because I have big dreams. But in order to accomplish big dreams, we have to plan like mice and do one thing at a time. Take one bite at a time, one brick at a time one step at a time. Now part three of this podcast is about listening to your needs. So that you can create sustainable practices, I am all about sustainability. I have a tendency to get so overexcited, and then I crash and burn. And then I do it all over again excited crash burn, excited crash, burn, excited crash burn. And that's not sustainable living. And around the new year, we often start out guns blazing running full speed ahead, right. And you know what they say about gyms, that they're full January 1, and then they're empty again, come February. And so that's why I'm all about sustainable practices that we can do on the daily throughout the entire year. And for me, that means creating as much simplicity as possible. I have a tendency to overcomplicate every effing thing. And I need to bring it back to basics. And I have a feeling you probably need to bring it back to basics. So let's create sustainability. And to me, that means listening to your needs, whether they are mental, spiritual, or physical, and then acting on them. It's a pretty simple process. So have energy, do the thing. need rest? sleep? Are you hungry? Eat? Are you inspired? Right down? Why are you lacking inspiration? Get out of your house or your office or your routine and shake things up. We get so stuck in our heads that sometimes it seems there's no way out. But there is always a way out. You just got to shake it up and shake it out. Listen to your heart. Listen to your soul. It is always speaking to you. And if you feel like it's not ask it some questions. And sit down with your journal and be open to the answers that will come write them down. Listen, listen to your body. Does it need to stretch? Does it need to move? Does it need to sleep? Does it need to be nourished? Our hearts our souls, our bodies, they always have the answer. And then whatever answer it is that shows up for you. Do it, follow it, act on it. I'm going to tell you a short story about this healer that I saw. I guess it's been about a year and a half now. She lives in this like fairy book house in the middle of the woods. As you're driving out there, you don't see anything. And then all of a sudden, this stone house appears just all around it is covered in woods and brush and flowers seriously right out of a storybook. And I went to her because I was in a really difficult spot in my life. It was in 2019 Yeah, 2019. I wrote a whole ebook on it, you can get it on my website by signing up for my email list. And there's a link for that in the show notes below. But I've gone through this really, really difficult experience. And as a result of that experience, I felt so disconnected from my body and from my heart. And I was just so out of alignment in general. And she sat down with me, she held my hand and she said Jacqueline, you have got to learn to love yourself. And you also need to learn that it's okay to stop for a while. Sometimes, you need to go deep into the earth and be nourished, and wait until you get the word that it's time to sprout and come out. And she told me that acorns, once they are buried, aren't necessarily active the next spring. Sometimes it takes several years from what I understand, for them to actually start sprouting roots and then sprouting upward. Life isn't just about doing but in our culture, it's all about doing. And this podcast again, is meant to be that deep breath, that inner inkling, that invitation to your own wisdom. To understand that life really isn't just about doing. It's about living. It's about honoring our cycles. Bears hibernate, trees go dormant. caterpillars create a cocoon. On the other side of doing is listening and rescue This part is just as important as the doing part, I find that so often when I want to speed up, the most effective way to do that is to slow down. Even just these last few days, my husband has been on a business trip. And I've been by myself. And instead of having a set schedule, I've taken a lot of time to look around my RV to clean stuff up, to spend some time with my dogs to take them on walks, to do some nourishing grocery shopping to sleep a little bit more to let my body have a freakin break. Meditation, often birds, my greatest ideas too. And this is all about slowing down. This is all about coming back into our bodies getting aligned. And I want to give you some examples about slowing down to speed up, okay, a two week trip, after a couple of years of crazy crazy scheduling and work, rejuvenated my marriage and got me excited about my life again, when I was so burnt out that I couldn't see the forest for the trees, we have to honor our cycles, and learn to know when to push and when to pull back. If you are feeling totally out of touch with the push and the pole, started journaling practice, track how you are feeling every day and get that baseline. We are not machines that can go go go we are animals that have natural cycles and rhythms. And these are sacred, and we need to respect them. Some days we may feel limitless. And some days we may feel limited. This is all part of the cycle of being human. I want to end with this becoming the version of you that you want to be in 2021 will have abs and flows and highs and lows. You get to decide whether you throw in the towel or continue to keep climbing through there will be points of discomfort. But there will also be instances in which you are yourself. If you stick with this process of becoming a more expanded version of yourself. Can you imagine the hero's journey if there weren't a protagonist? That would be a very boring story. Can you imagine a love story in which there was no turmoil? That would be a boring story. Can you imagine starting something and then immediately being successful? Now we need the lessons along the way of our becoming to prep us for what lies ahead. The in between my friends, that's the juicy part. Maybe we absolutely and deeply fall in love with becoming you can do anything and be whom ever you want to be. It starts and it ends with you. Happy holidays. Happy New Year. And I look so forward to continuing the conversation. In January of 2021. You have been listening to self discovery with Jaclyn Steele. For more information or to submit a question please visit Jaclyn slash self discovery pod. On Instagram I am at Jaclyn Steele and that's j AC Li n s t e l e and on YouTube you can find slash official Jaclyn Steele. If you haven't already, please sign up for my high vibe Thursday newsletter where I send one email a week aimed at inspiring and elevating your day because you freaking deserve it. You can sign up in the show notes or by visiting my website Jaclyn May you go and be big and brave and bold today. Remember that life gets easier when we know who we are. And as always, and until next time. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for listening